Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Third Trimester!

This past Sunday, September 19, I started my twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. That means I am now in my third trimester. At the beginning of my second trimester, 28 weeks seemed so far away, so I can't believe it is already here. I still feel like the days are dragging on, though . . . December seems so far away! I had a doctor's appointment on my birthday, September 13th. Everything went fine. I was excited to hear that I had past my glucose test that I had taken the Saturday before. Talk about gross - the stuff I had to drink was awful! Imagine a Sprite soda, but thicker and more syrup-ish. It was so hard to get down my throat! I was very thankful when I found out that I wouldn't have to take the three hour test at my appointment. I imagine that would be ten times worse! The only other thing that I found out at the appointment was that I am now on the "two week plan," which means I go to the doctor's office every two weeks. I am not too particularly excited about that, although hearing that heartbeat is oh, so reassuring. :)

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